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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Script Guide >
Schematic Scripting   

Schematic Scripting

The Schematic scripting interface is a set of commands that match the data changing methods available in the UI of the Schematic, plus some selection and query methods. Examples of the commands available through the scripting interface are adding items, removing items, and modifying items on the Schematic. Identifying objects on the Schematic is done by a unique ID that is generated and returned by all methods that add objects, and by the FindElements and GetSelections methods. This ID can then be passed into commands to modify or remove Schematic objects.

Since most Schematic objects can have sub-components (such as property displays or segments on a wire, etc), IDs can also be in the format of "TopLevelID:SubComponentIndex". The SubComponentIndex is a one-based index into the sub components of the item thus making the second segment of component CAP1 identified by "CAP1:2". A SubComponentIndex of zero will refer to the TopLevel item only. When an ID is mentioned later in this document, it will refer to either a simple string ID representing a top-level Schematic item or a "TopLevelID:SubComponentIndex" pair unless otherwise stated.

If a specified ID or SubComponentIndex does not exist, then the function will ignore that entry and proceed with other specified IDs. Even if no valid IDs are specified, the functions will still return success.


The topics for this section include:

Method Format

Create Method List

General Method List

Property Method List

Information Method List


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