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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Script Guide >
Schematic Scripting >
   Method Format       

Method Format

In the following formats, [Opt=x] appearing after a parameter indicates that the parameter is optional and the default value is x.

When calling object-creation methods as functions, parenthesis are required in order to retrieve the name of the created object. Parenthesis are also required in JavaScript. When using VB/VBScript to call a method as a subroutine, however, parenthesis are not required.


All methods to create Schematic objects have the following form:

                          Create[type](VARIANT parameters,

                           // Array of type specific parameters

                           VARIANT attributes,

                          // attributes is in the format of:

                           Array(“NAME:Attributes”, _

                           “Page:=”, int, _ // [Opt=1] Page number (one-based)

                           // Note: Page 1 always exists

                           “X:=”, double, _ // X position of the object

                           “Y:=”, double, _ // Y position of the object

                           “Angle:=”, double, _ // Rotation angle (radians)

                           “Flip:=”, bool) // True if mirrored

                           [out,retval] string id)


The algorithm used in the create methods is:

                          1) Create SchAdd[type]Command object with parameters passed in

                          2) Execute the command


All methods to modify Schematic objects have the following form:


                           “Page:=”, Page number [optional: Default=1]

                           “Selections:=”, IDs to modify see format below),

                           VARIANT params

                           // Array of modification specific parameters)


The algorithms in these types of methods will be:

                          1) Go through ids and get the SelectableObjs they correspond to

                          2) Select the SelectableObjs found in (1)

                          3) Select any sub components specified

                          4) Create the Sch[modification]Command

                          5) Execute the command


ID Format

When IDs are passed to a function it can be in one of the following formats:

•  Array of integers of top-level items only

•  String of IDs separated by spaces or commas

•  Array of strings with each string element being an ID


Point Format

When a method takes an array of points, each element in the array is a string in the format of: “x y”, “x,y”, or “(x,y)”.

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                HFSS视频教程                                      ADS视频教程                               CST视频教程                           Ansoft Designer 中文教程


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