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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Remote Analysis >
   Distributed Analysis >
       Configuring Distributed Analysis           

Configuring Distributed Analysis

To configure distributed analysis:

1. Follow the steps to configure remote analysis. The remote machines are the machines to which the analysis is distributed, and the local machine is the machine that launches the distributed analysis.

2. Once the remote analysis configuration is complete, you must add the remote machines you wish to use for distributed analysis to the Local Machine's list of distributed analysis machines.

a. Start the product on the Local Machine.

b. Choose Tools > Options > General Options.

c. Choose the Analysis Machines tab and in the Analysis Machines pane, select the Edit button.

d. The following dialog appears.


e. Add the remote machines you wish to use for distributed analysis. You can reference them by IP address, DNS name (typically machine_name), or UNC name (\\machine name).

f. Once you have finished adding machines, press OK to close this dialog. The added machines will be listed in the General Options > Analysis tab dialog when the Distributed radio button is selected. You must have at least two machines listed to run a distributed analysis.

3. Open and solve a project that you wish to run using distributed analysis. You can distribute a parametric table or multiple frequency sweeps of a single analysis setup.

a. Open the project that you wish to run using distributed analysis.

b. Expand the project tree so you can see the parametric table or multiple frequency sweeps that you wish to distribute. If the desired parametric table or multiple discrete frequency sweeps that you wish to distribute are not listed, you will need to add them.

c. Right-click on the parametric table or analysis setup that owns the multiple frequency sweeps, and select Distribute Analysis.



The option is only active if there are multiple rows listed in the parametric table, there are multiple frequency sweeps listed under a given analysis setup, and the number of distributed analysis machines is two or greater.


The Tools>Export Options Files command writes xml files containing the Options settings at all levels to the specified directory (default, ~\Documents\Ansoft\). The Tools>Options>Export Options feature is intended to make it easier for different users to use Ansoft tools installed on shared directories or network drives. The Example Uses for Export Options Features section outlines some use cases enabled by this feature.



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