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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Working with Designer Projects >
   Project Options >
       Exporting Options Files           

Exporting Options Files

The options files at all levels that may affect a product running as a specific user on a specific host may easily be exported. The Desktop UI may be used to copy these files to a user specified directory. A script command may also be used to copy these files to a specified directory.

Using the Desktop UI

You can export options files by selecting the Tools>Options>Export Options Files ... This brings up a browser dialog that you use to select the destination directory for the options files. Pressing the Cancel button will cancel the export command. Pressing the Open button will copy all of the config files for the current user and current host to the specified directory. Config files for the install, install_machine, user, and user_machine levels will be copied, if they exist. One additional file, admin.XML, will also be copied to the destination directory. This file does not contain user configurable options, and it is not discussed above.

Using a Script

A Desktop command has been added that exports the options config files. Here is a summary of the Desktop ExportOptionsFiles command:


Use: Copies the options config files to the DestinationDirectory.

Command: Tools>Options>Export Options Files ...

Syntax: ExportOptionsFiles <DestinationDirectory>

Return Value: None

Parameters: <DestinationDirectory>

Type: <string>


oDesktop.ExportOptionsFiles "D:/test/export/"

Example Script Using the Desktop ExportOptionsFiles Command

A simple script demonstrating the use of this command is shown below. This script will copy the options config files to the directory D:/test/export.

Dim oAnsoftApp

Dim oDesktop

Set oAnsoftApp = CreateObject("AnsoftDesigner.DesignerScriptInterface")

Set oDesktop = oAnsoftApp.GetAppDesktop()

oDesktop.ExportOptionsFiles "D:/test/export/"

Related Topics

Setting Options via Configuration Files

Example Uses for Export Options Features

User Options and the Update Registry Tool

Batchoptions Command Line Examples


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