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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Working with Designer Projects >
   Saving Projects >
       Saving Project Data Automatically           

Saving Project Data Automatically

To protect against workstation failures, Designer automatically stores changes made to the active project in an auto-save file. The auto-save file is stored in the same directory as the project file and is named Projectn.auto, where n is the order in which the project was added to the current session. Designer automatically saves all projedct data (except solution data) to the auto-save file.

By default, Designer saves project data after every 10 edits. An “edit” is any action you perform which changes data in the project or the design, including actions associated with project management, model creation, and solution analysis. When a workstation problem occurs, Designer immediately compares the lengths of the active project file to the autosave recovery file:

• If both the original and the autosave file are of nonzero length, the Autosave Recover dialog is displayed. You can choose to re-open the original project file (Projectn.adsn), in an effort to recover the solution data, or open the auto-save file.

• If the original file has nonzero length and the autosave file has zero length, Designer ignores the autosave file and attempts to open the original file.

• If the original file has zero length and the autosave file has nonzero length, Designer displays a message and attempts to open the autosave file.

• If both the original file and the autosave file have nonzero length, Designer displays an error message.


To modify the auto-save settings:

1. On the Tools menu, point to Options, and then click General Options.

The Options dialog box appears.

2. Under the Project Options tab, verify that Do Autosave is selected.

This option is selected by default.

3. In the Autosave interval box, enter the number of edits that you want to occur between
automatic saves. By default, this option is set at 10.


Auto-save always increments forward; therefore, even when you undo a command, Designer counts it as an edit.

4. Click OK to apply the specified auto-save settings.

Once the specified number of edits is carried out, a “model-only” save will occur. This means that Designer does not save solutions data or clear any undo/redo history.

When Designer auto-saves, an “.auto” extension is appended to the original project file name. For example, “Project1.adsn” will automatically be saved as “Project1.adsn.auto”.



When you close or rename a project, Designer deletes the auto-save file. Designer assumes that you have saved any desired changes at this point.

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