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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Working with Designer Projects >
   Creating Projects >
       Creating a Layout Technology           

Creating a Layout Technology

You can create your own layout technology and save it for future use.

Refer to Configuring a Stackup and Insert Layers to see how to use the Edit Layers dialog to configure a stackup for your own technology. After you have configured a technology in the Edit Layers dialog, select the design in the Project Manager window, then select Save as Technology File from the File menu. This will open a Save As dialog that allows you to save the technology in one of the Designer library directories.

The technology file (.asty suffix) contains the definitions of substrates, layers, materials, padstacks, footprints, symbols, and scripts. The technology file also contains the settings of the Layout options (units, angle units, major and minor grid spacings, snap sources and targets, rotation increment, and hole size) that are in effect for the selected design.

The layout technology you defined is now available for future use and will be listed in the Choose a Layout Technology dialog.

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