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Maxwell Spice Legacy Elements >
   N-Element, Frequency-Dependent S-Parameters       

N-Element, Frequency-Dependent S-Parameters


N-Element Instance Netlist Format

The N element is characterized by a set of frequency-dependent scattering (S) parameters, compatible with the N-element from Ansoft Maxwell SpicelinkÔ. The N-element has the netlist format:

Nxxx n1+ n1-... nN+ nN- file_reference

Each of the N ports is a pair of terminals, positive and negative: n1+ n1- through nN+ nN-.

N-Element Instance Netlist Example

Nmain 20 0 21 0 22 0 23 0 freq_data.txt


1. The file_reference refers to an external file (usually with a .fws extension) containing the S-parameter data. See File References in the Nexxim Netlist File Format topic for details.

2. The format of the S-parameter data file is:

# S-parameter data for model modelname
Nports = number of pos/neg pairs
Freq_min = minimum frequency (Hz)
Freq_max = maximum frequency (Hz)
Npoints = number of frequency points in file
Zref = reference impedance
freq_min smag11 sphase 11 smag12 sphase12 ...
freq2 smag11 sphase 11 smag12 sphase12 ...

freqi smag11 sphase 11 smag12 sphase12 ...
freq_max smag11 sphase 11 smag12 sphase12 ...
end of file

3. The Npoints parameter specifies the number of frequency points (including zero frequency) that follow. The Zref parameter specifies the constant, frequency-independent reference impedance that was used for all of the ports, typically 50 Ohms.

4. The frequencies freq1, freq2, ... should be on a regular grid from Freq_min to Freq_max with steps of size (Freq_max - Freq_min)/(Npoints - 1). Freq_min is always zero when the data comes from Maxwell Spicelink.

5. The magnitude is absolute magnitude (not dB) and the phase is in degrees. The S-parameter matrix is specified as a full matrix.


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