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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Designer File Formats >
   Nexxim Netlist Format >
       External Files >
           File References               

File References

A reference to an external file in a Nexxim netlist can use one of the following formats:








A filename that contains only characters valid for node names can be entered without quotation marks. If the filename contains any special characters not valid for node names, it must be enclosed in single or double quotation marks.

The pathname specifies the directory where the filename is to be found. When pathname is given, the combined pathname and filename must be enclosed in single or double quotes. Pathnames in Designer must refer to subdirectories using a syntax that is compatible with the platform operating system. Some operating systems use a forward slash (/) as a pathname separator, while others use a backslash (\). The examples above use a forward slash, but a backslash is the valid separator used in Windows™ systems. Designer ensures the consistent and compatible use of slash designators in netlist file paths for each of the following platforms: Windows, UNIX™, and Linux™.


The forward slash (/) is a valid separator for file path resolution in Nexxim netlists under the Windows XP operating system.

A filename with a pathname that contains a fully-rooted path (identifying the drive and all intermediate directories) is called an absolute file reference. An absolute file reference is searched for along the specified path. Absolute file references that include the drive are valid only in Windows systems.

The value of an environment variable can be used to supply the leading part of the pathname. For example, if an environment variable MyLibrary has been defined as ‘C:\Project5\Models’, then the file reference ‘$MyLibrary\Model5’ is expanded to ‘C:\Project5\Models\Model5’.

A filename without a pathname, or with a pathname that is not fully rooted, is called a relative file reference. The search for a relative file reference depends on the location of the netlist file that is the source for the file reference. UNIX and Linux systems should use relative pathnames.

• If the source netlist file is a top-level netlist that is referenced by a Designer .ADSN or a Nexxim .NDSN file, the relative-referenced filename is searched for first in the directory where the .ADSN or .NDSN file resides, then in the directory where the application was started.

• If the source netlist file is not a top-level netlist, or Nexxim is being run outside of Designer, the relative-referenced filename is searched for starting in the directory where the source netlist file resides, then in the directory where Nexxim was started.

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