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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Nexxim Simulator >
Nexxim Component Models >
Microstrip Elements >
   Y Junction       

Y Junction










Netlist Format

An instance of a Y-junction has the following netlist syntax:

AYJUNxxx n1 n2 n3 W1=val W2=val ANG=val COMPONENT=yjunction SUBSTRATE=substrate_name

n1, n2, and n3 are the names of the nodes attached to the junction. The entry COMPONENT=yjunction identifies the element.

The entry SUBSTRATE=substrate_name identifies the microstrip substrate model name selected for the design (see Selecting a Microstrip Substrate). See the Microstrip (MS) Substrate for information on this substrate type.


Y Junction Instance Parameters






Width of conductor at node 1




Width of conductor at nodes 2 and 3




Angle of the Y junction



Netlist Example

AYJUN10 sig1 sig2 sig3 W1=1mm W2=0.75mm ANG=57

where FR4, the selected layout technology or substrate type, has a definition such as:

.SUB FR4 MS( H=7.6200e-004 Er=4.4 TAND=0.02 TANM=0
+ MSat=0 MRem=0 HU=0.00508 MET1=1.72413793103448
+ T1=1.7145e-005 RGH=0mil)


1. [Microstrip] The frequency should be below the cutoff frequency of the first higher-order mode of the microstrip:






Where C0 is the speed of light in free space, Weff is the effective width of the microstrip, and Ereff is the effective dielectric constant.

2. For the angle ANG,

(a) when W1eff < 2W2eff,





(b) when W1eff > 2W2eff,





where W1eff and W2eff are the effective widths of microstrip lines W1 and W2.

3. The model parameters are checked for possible violations of these limits. You may perform a similar check using the following approximate formula for calculating effective width Weff from the microstrip line width W and substrate parameters:





Where T is the metallization thickness and H is the substrate height, both as defined in the .SUB statement.


[1] Reza Mahran, “Calculation of Microstrip Bends and Y-junctions with Arbitrary Angles”, IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol. MTT-26, No. 6, JUNE 1978, pp 400-405.

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