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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Nexxim Simulator >
Nexxim Component Models >
Microstrip Elements >
   Open End Effect       

Open End Effect



Netlist Format

An open end effect instance has the following netlist syntax:

Axxx n1 W=val [OPEN=POS|NEG] COMPONENT=open_end SUBSTRATE=substrate_name

n1 is the name of the node attached to the open end effect. The entry COMPONENT=open_end identifies the element as an open end effect.

The entry SUBSTRATE=substrate_name identifies the microstrip substrate model name selected for the design (see Selecting a Microstrip Substrate). See the Microstrip (MS) Substrate for information on this substrate type.


Open End Effect Instance Parameters






Line width




POS means a positive open-end effect is applied

NEG means a negative open-end effect is applied (used for de-embedding)



Netlist Example

A12 Port1 W=0.0001 COMPONENT=open_end SUBSTRATE=FR4

where FR4, the selected layout technology or substrate type, has a definition such as:

.SUB FR4 MS( H=7.6200e-004 Er=4.4 TAND=0.02 TANM=0
+ MSat=0 MRem=0 HU=0.00508 MET1=1.72413793103448
+ T1=1.7145e-005 RGH=0mil)


1. [All substrates] The transmission line is extended by a DL length, which is a function of the dielectric constant, frequency, and physical dimensions of the line. If the OPEN parameter is set to NEG, a negative effect is applied. This holds true for the length extension DL, as well as the associated dielectric losses.

2. [Microstrip] Radiation loss is included if the cover height, HU, is not defined in the corresponding .SUB statement.

3. [Microstrip] For ±2.5% accuracy (where H is the dielectric thickness and ER is the dielectric constant of the substrate):
F[GHz] < 708/H[MILS]
ER £ 50
0.01 £ W/H £ 100

HFSS视频教学培训教程 ADS2011视频培训教程 CST微波工作室教程 Ansoft Designer 教程

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