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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Nexxim Simulator >
Nexsys Discrete Time Domain Analysis >
   Creating and Simulating a Nexsys Design >
       Add Nexsys and Nexxim Components >
           Nexxim and Nexsys Sources               

Nexxim and Nexsys Sources

The library used for voltage, current, or power sources determines the timestep and duration to be used in the time domain analysis.

When all sources are from the System subfolder, the timestep is fixed and is taken from the sample rates in the System sources, and any timestep or stop time set in the Transient analysis setup is ignored. In the loop_filter_1 example (shown below), the RCONST source determines the simulation length and the time step with its parameters NSAMP and SAMPLE_RATE.

When any source is a Nexxim source, the stop time taken from the Transient analysis setup, and a SAMPLER component is required to interface the Nexxim source to the Nexsys behavioral subsection and provide the timestep (inverse of the SAMPLER sample rate). In the loop_filter_2 example below, the Nexxim source sets the simulation length to the Stop setting in the Transient analysis setup. The time step is provided by the SAMPLER component.

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