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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Nexxim Simulator >
Nexxim Transient Analysis   

Nexxim Transient Analysis

Transient analysis computes the time-domain response of a circuit by numerically integrating a system of differential/algebraic equations. The equations are derived from the circuit topology and from information provided by the circuit device models. Transient analysis discretizes time and uses numerical integration methods (such as the trapezoidal rule) and Newton-Raphson iterations to solve the circuit equations at each time step.


The topics for this section include:

Running Transient Analysis from the Schematic Editor

Generating a Transient Eye Report

Using an Eye Source and Eye Probe with Transient Analysis

Adding an Eye Scope for Sampled Eye Reports

Adding a Voltage Probe for Eye Measurement Reports

Adding a MATLAB Probe

Running Transient Analysis from the Netlist Editor

Transient Analysis Options

Transient Analysis Technical Notes

Transient Analysis Error Messages


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