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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Nexxim Simulator >
Nexxim Harmonic Balance >
   Harmonic Balance Technical Notes >
       Nexxim One-Tone Harmonic Balance Analysis           

Nexxim One-Tone Harmonic Balance Analysis

Single-tone or periodic harmonic balance computes the periodic steady-state response of a circuit. A time-dependent response x(t) is periodic with period T when x(t) = x(t + T) for all t, in response to a sinusoidal input with frequency f = 1/(nT), where n is an integer.

A one-tone harmonic balance analysis uses a single tone frequency f with a specified number of harmonics, M.


When the option hb.power_of_two_expansion=1 is set, the single-tone harmonic balance algorithm adjusts the maximum harmonic number MAXK so that (2*MAXK + 2) is always a power of 2 (that is, MAXK = {1, 3, 7, 15, 31, 63, ...}). Power of two expansion is always off for multi-tone analysis.

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