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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Nexxim Simulator >
Nexxim Harmonic Balance   

Nexxim Harmonic Balance

Harmonic balance analysis calculates the periodic or quasiperiodic steady-state response of a circuit to periodic inputs by solving the circuit equations in the frequency domain. Time domain equations are represented by their Fourier series equivalents. In a one-tone analysis, the input is a sine wave at a specified frequency f, and the response is usually measured over a specified range of multiples or submultiples of that frequency. In a multi-tone analysis, the inputs are at two or more frequencies (f1, f2, ...). The response is a spectrum containing the DC response, the harmonics of the input frequencies, and the sums and differences of the harmonic frequencies. An optional load-pull analysis is available for schematic designs.


The topics for this section include:

Running Harmonic Balance from the Schematic Editor

Running Harmonic Balance from the Netlist Editor

Harmonic Balance Analysis Outputs

HB Load-Pull Analysis

Harmonic Balance Options

Harmonic Balance Technical Notes

Harmonic Balance Troubleshooting Guide


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