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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Nexxim Simulator >
Nexxim Harmonic Balance >
   HB Load-Pull Analysis >
       Load-Pull Analysis in a Schematic           

Load-Pull Analysis in a Schematic

Load-Pull analysis is set up in the Harmonic Balance Analysis, 1-Tone dialog or Harmonic Balance Analysis, N-Tone dialog. The circuit must have at least one port to activate the Load Pull panel.

1. Click the Enable Load Pull checkbox in the Load Pull panel to turn on load pull analysis. The Load Pull Settings dialog opens:

•  Select a port from the pulldown list. The list is populated from the ports in the schematic.

•  Specify one or more tuner frequencies to be applied in the analysis.

•  Select mag/ang or real/imag as the format for the sweep of the tuner reflection coefficient Gamma. Set the reference impedance to use for the tuner at the specified tuner frequencies. Nexxim automatically creates local variables ZRho (sample impedance) and ZAng (angle of sample impedance) and sets up the selected port as an ideal tuner with a reflection coefficient defined by the ZRho and ZAng parameters.

•  Set the termination impedances to use at DC and at frequencies other than the tuner frequencies. In addition to a default, you can set specific impedances for particular frequencies in the table. Use the Add Row and Remove Row buttons to manipulate the table rows.

•  Click OK to close the Load Pull Settings dialog.

Nexxim creates linear sweeps of parameters ZRho and ZAng. The sweep setups are displayed in the Sweep Variables panel of the Harmonic Balance Analysis dialog. You can select a load-pull sweep and edit it, but you cannot remove it.

Disabling Load-Pull analysis removes the ZRho and ZAng sweeps from the setup and removes the ZRho and ZAng variables from the port.

2. To run the load-pull analysis, select Analyze from the pulldown menu for the HB solution setup in the Project tree.

•  If the circuit is set up correctly, the analysis begins immediately and a red progress bar appears.

•  If the analysis is not successful, check the Message Window for an explanation, and then take corrective action.

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