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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Nexxim Simulator >
Nexxim Harmonic Balance >
   HB Load-Pull Analysis >
       Load-Pull Analysis Netlist Format           

Load-Pull Analysis Netlist Format

The netlist can add a load-pull analysis by defining netlist parameters ZRho (sample impedance) and ZAng (angle of sample impedance), using these netlist parameters to set an ideal tuner element, and setting up sweeps of the ZRho and ZAng parameters as part of the HB analysis statement. The bolded lines in the example netlist below show the additions for the load-pull analysis.

* Nexxim Load-Pull Netlist Example

.PARAM Freq1=1.5e9
.PARAM Freq2=2.2e9

.PARAM ZRho=1 // Sample impedance for load-pull
.PARAM ZAng=0 // Sample impedance angle

V1 net_0 0 DC=0.5 SIN(0 0.5 Freq1 0 0 0)
V2 net_0 0 DC=0.5 SIN(0 0.5 Freq2 0 0 0)
R2 net_0 Port1 1000

RPort1 Port1 0 PORTNUM=1 // Ideal tuner element
+ GAMMA_MAG=ZRho GAMMA_ANG=ZAng // Reflection coefficient
+ REF_REAL=50 REF_IMAG=0 // Reference impedance
+ TUNER_FREQS=[Freq1, Freq2] // Main tuner frequencies
+ Z_FREQS=['2*Freq1-Freq2', '2*Freq2-Freq1'] // Cluster freqs
+ Z_REAL=[100, 100] Z_IMAG=[0.5, 0.5] // Cluster impedances
+ RDC=50 // Tuner Resistance at DC
+ RDEF=50 XDEF=0 // Default tuner impedance for all frequencies

+ TONES=[Freq1, Freq2] MAXK=[2, 2]
+ SWEEP // Sweeps of ZRho and ZAng implement the load-pull
+ ZRho LIN 11 0 1
+ ZAng LIN 13 0 6.283185307

See Ideal Tuner in the Nexxim Components help topics for details on the ideal tuner element.

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