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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Nexxim Simulator >
Nexsys Discrete Time Domain Analysis >
   Creating and Simulating a Nexsys Design >
       Add Nexsys and Nexxim Components >
           Interfacing Behavioral and Electrical Components               

Interfacing Behavioral and Electrical Components

Where a Nexxim continuous source connects to a Nexsys behavioral component, a SAMPLER component must be placed between them to prevent a fatal simulation error (see the loop_filter_2 example above). The SAMPLER component is located under the System subdirectory of Nexxim components, in the Miscellaneous folder. The sampling rate and number of samples set for the SAMPLER component control the time domain analysis.

Where a bandpass signal or modulated signal enters a Nexxim sub-circuit from a Nexsys functional component, an ENVELOPEADAPTOR component must be placed between them. The ENVELOPEADAPTOR component helps the simulation engine to recognize what circuit simulation analysis is needed to call to solve the Nexxim sub-circuit (refer to Partitioning and Scheduling Process in Nexsys Simulation of a Mixed-Mode Topology for more detail).

Here are two examples using the ENVELOPEADAPTOR component, from the MPSK_Nexxim_System example in the Examples directory.

In the circuit fragment below, the Envelope adaptor is required to connect the Baseband transmitter stage, with only behavioral components, to the RF transmitter stage which includes electrical components. The Envelope adaptor identifies the waveform as an envelope to the the Nexxim portion of the simulation. The Nexxim simulation then knows to send on an envelope waveform.

In the circuit below, the Envelope adaptor interfaces the behavioral channel element with the electrical elements in the RF Receiver.

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