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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Nexxim Simulator >
Nexxim DC Analysis >
   DC Analysis Technical Notes >
       Initialization of Nexxim DC Circuit Parameters           

Initialization of Nexxim DC Circuit Parameters

DC analysis begins by initializing the circuit to a known state.

•  Capacitors are modeled as open circuits.

•  Inductors are modeled as short circuits.

•  Voltage sources are set to zero and held constant (dv(t)/dt = 0).

•  Current sources are set to zero and held constant (di(t)/dt = 0)

•  Initial voltages from .NODESET are applied to the specified nodes. See Nodesets below.

•  Non-floating nodes are set to zero volts for the first Newton-Raphson iteration.

•  Floating nodes that are not specified with .NODESET are undefined.


Nexxim issues a warning message if the circuit contains floating nodes or nodes with single connections. Only nodes with a single branch connection that is both conservative and constitutive are flagged. For example, the controlling nodes in a VCVS have a constitutive/behavioral/relational connection to the controlled nodes, but not a physical/structural/conservative connection, and therefore are not flagged.

•  Conductances with value alpha (GMIN) are added between all branches.

•  Conductances with value beta (GSHUNT) are added between each node and the ground reference node (node 0).

•  The nominal circuit temperature is set to TEMP.

NODESET Statements

The netlist can include one or more .NODESET statements. Voltages assigned with .NODESET are applied at the start of the DC operating point analysis, to provide the initial values for the first Newton-Raphson iteration. Any node voltages not specified with NODESET are initialized to zero.

The syntax is:

.NODESET V(node1)=value1 [V(node2)=value2 ...]

For example, to initialize node 12 to 4.5 volts and node in2 to 2.23 volts:

.NODESET V(12)=4.5 V(in2)=2.23

IC Statements

The netlist can include one or more .IC statements to force nodes to particular voltages. Voltages set with .IC are applied throughout the DC operating point analysis. Any node voltages not specified with .IC are computed.

The syntax is:

.IC V(node1)=value1 [V(node2)=value2 ...]

For example, to force node 12 to 4.5 volts and node in2 to 2.23 volts:

.IC V(12)=4.5 V(in2)=2.23



Nexxim recognizes .IC statements during .OP analysis. Other simulators may not.

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