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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Nexxim Simulator >
Support for External Models and Interfaces >
   IBIS Library Support >
       IBIS File Support           

IBIS File Support

Designer can parse IBIS® input files, but not all features of the IBIS specification are supported. Some IBIS buffers are available as built-in Nexxim components.

Designer IBIS Support

Designer supports the following features of the IBIS specification:

•  Import IBIS library files (.ibs); see IBIS Library Import Procedure.

•  Import IBIS Electrical Board Description files (.ebd); see Importing IBIS EBD Files.

•  Convert models for single-ended (not differential) driver and receiver pins to SPICE circuits.

•  Extract IV curves from the following and translate into equivalent piece-wise linear devices for SPICE: Pull-up, Pull-down, power and ground clamp devices.

•  Extract rise/fall-time information from the IBIS file in order to sequence the pull-up/down devices.

•  Read in pin parasitics (RLC elements) and incorporate into models.

•  Electrical board description (EBD) files.

The following features of the IBIS specification are not supported:

•  Series switch groups

•  Submodels of type Bus_hold and Fall_back. Dynamic_clamp IS supported.

•  Power/ground pulse tables

•  Package models (.pkg files)

•  Programmable logic buffers.
These are buffers with different user-selectable driver strengths (corresponding to different IV curve models). IBIS models that currently use this feature will not import correctly, but are available as Nexxim built-in elements.

Nexxim IBIS Support

The Nexxim simulator offers the following IBIS buffers as built-in components:

•  Input

•  Output

•  Tristate

•  Input/Output

•  Open Drain, Open Sink, Open Source

•  I/O Open Drain, I/O Open Sink, I/O Open Source

•  Input ECL

•  Output ECL

•  Tristate ECL

•  Input/Output ECL

•  Series Buffer

•  Series Switch Buffer

•  Terminator

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