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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Nexxim Simulator >
Nexxim Harmonic Balance >
   Harmonic Balance Technical Notes >
       Controlling Nexxim Harmonic Balance Analysis >
           Handling Strongly Nonlinear Circuits               

Handling Strongly Nonlinear Circuits

The method parameter in the .HB statement selects between the standard harmonic balance calculation and a shooting method that facilitates single-tone analysis of circuits with strongly nonlinear behavior. The tstab parameter in the .HB statement assists HB in finding a solution for difficult circuits, especially when the shooting method is in effect.

method=hb, standard harmonic balance, is the default for single-tone analysis and is always used for multi-tone harmonic balance analysis.

method=shooting is available for single-tone analyses only. When method is set to shooting, single-tone harmonic balance uses a time-domain shooting method that is efficient for nonlinear circuits. The method option is ignored for multi-tone harmonic balance.

If single-tone harmonic balance fails or takes a long time to complete with the default, try setting method=shooting for subsequent runs. Example:


The tstab parameter in the .HB statement represents additional time needed for transient to settle before HB tries to use the result. A large tstab may be used to aid convergence for circuits that have initial nonlinearities, or to allow HB to find one out of several possible solutions. Tstab can be applied in both one-tone and multi-tone harmonic balance.

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