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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Nexxim Simulator >
Nexxim Harmonic Balance >
   Harmonic Balance Troubleshooting Guide >
       Convergence Check Failures           

Convergence Check Failures

The Linear Solver uses function (residue) and delta (update) checks similar to those described under DC Analysis.

View Function Check.

View Delta Check.

Sometimes a combination of roundoff error and tight tolerances causes convergence at a particular node to fail with a trace message such as:

#|F| = 2.14983e-011 |dx| = 1.11644e-015 |x| = 1.2

<trace>:Residue convergence check failed for node net_1979.

If this failure occurs, try loosening abstol (absolute current tolerance) to 4e-12 or higher (from the default of 1e-12 for harmonic balance):


This change affects the entire circuit, not just the problem node. Although it is not a robust solution, loosening abstol often achieves convergence on the correct solution.


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