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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Nexxim Simulator >
Nexxim DC Analysis >
   DC Analysis Technical Notes >
       Nexxim DC Analysis/DC Continuation Strategies >
           Beta Continuation               

Beta Continuation

Beta continuation (also called Gshunt stepping) is similar to alpha continuation. With beta continuation, a small conductance (large resistor) Gshunt is added between each node and ground. The conductance is equal to the value of the beta option, which defaults to 1e-12 mho. If Newton-Raphson fails with the initial small beta conductances, the DC solver attempts to continue by setting the conductances to a relatively large value and executing Newton-Raphson on this more “linear” circuit. If this step succeeds, the solution to the modified solution is used to start the next NR loop with a decreased value for the conductances. Stepping continues until convergence is attained with the conductance equal to the beta option, which defaults to 1e-12 mho.

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