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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Nexxim Simulator >
Nexxim Transient Analysis >
   Adding a MATLAB Probe       

Adding a MATLAB Probe

A MATLAB probe allows the user to pass transient analysis data to a MATLAB script (MATLAB™ is a trademark of The Mathworks, Inc.).

In a schematic, select the MATLAB Probe from the list of Probes:

To set up the MATLAB probe, right-click and select Edit Properties:

Set scriptfile to the name of the file containing the MATLAB script.

Set bitsource to the netlist name of the source of the bit pattern for transient to use.

Set bitwidth to the bit width or unit interval.

Set type to 0 for generic time/voltage data format, 1 for Fibre Channel data format.

For Fibre Channel data only, set step_size to a non-zero value (fixed step size to interpolate the transient data).

Enter values for up to ten parameters. Each parameter can be a single numeric or string value, or vector of numeric or string data.


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