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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Using Component Libraries >
Using the Footprint Editor >
   Using Scripts to Define Footprints in Layout >
       LayoutHost Object >
           LayoutHost Methods >
               Relative Shape Placement Methods                   

Relative Shape Placement Methods

These methods place shapes relative to each other


SnapEdges(edge, edge_pos, to_edge, to_edge_pos);

Places one geometry object against another so that the specified edges are parallel and points touching


      Edge: Specifies both the object to be moved and the edge to snap.

      Edge_pos: The position on the source edge (the object being moved) that is to be snapped to the target edge; specified as LayoutHost.START, MID, or END (or a value < 0, 0, or > 0).

      To_edge: Specifies the target object and edge (this object is not moved)

      To_edge_pos: The target snap point. The source edge and position is snapped to this location; specified as LayoutHost.START, MID, or END (or a value < 0, 0, or > 0).


      // Snap 'rect' so as that edge 1 is placed against edge 2 of 'rect2'

      LayoutHost.SnapEdges(rect.Edge(1), LayoutHost.MID, rect2.Edge(2), LayoutHost.MID);


SnapEdgesWithOffset(edge, edge_pos, to_edge, to_edge_pos, x_off, y_off, rel_angle);

Same as for SnapEdges but the target snap point is specified by an edge position with an offset and angle. Associated with the target edge position is a normal vector and a tangent vector. The normal vector is perpendicular to the edge and points outwards (i.e., to the right in polylines). The tangent vector points in the direction of the edge. These two vectors define the local coordinate system in which x_off, y_off, and angle are specified.


      Edge: Specifies both the object to be moved and the edge to snap.

      Edge_pos: The position on the source edge (the object being moved) that is to be snapped to the target edge; specified as LayoutHost.START, MID, or END (or a value < 0, 0, or > 0).

      To_edge: Specifies the target object and edge (this object is not moved)

      To_edge_pos: The target snap point. The source edge and position is snapped to this location; specified as LayoutHost.START, MID, or END (or a value < 0, 0, or > 0).

      X_off: An offset along the normal vector for the target edge.

      Y_off: An offset along the tangent vector for the target edge.

      Rel_angle: An additional rotation (specified as a counter-clockwise rotation in radians) relative to the normal vector for the target edge.


      // Snap 'rect' so as that edge 1 is offset 1 unit from edge 2 of 'rect2'

      LayoutHost.SnapEdgesWithOffset(rect.Edge(1), LayoutHost.MID, rect2.Edge(2), LayoutHost.MID, 1, 0, 0);


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