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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Getting Started with Ansoft Designer >
System Design >
   Set Up the Input Source       

Set Up the Input Source

Before setting up for the simulations, you must provide additional timing information for the input source.

1. Double-click on the input port, and the Port Definition dialog box appears.

2. In the Port Definition dialog box, under Source Definition, click on the Sinusoidal1 entry.

3. Enter 1024 for Number of Samples, and enter 0.5GHz for Sampling Rate. (These additional parameters are required for discrete time analysis).

• Note that the total duration of the discrete-time simulation will be Number of Samples/Sampling Rate = 2.048 µs.

• Also note that since Sampling Rate is less than the source frequency (f), this discrete time simulation is based on envelope analysis, so the source fundamental carrier (f) is not sampled. In this case, a single sinusoid has a constant envelope proportional to the source power. Envelope simulation is usually a more efficient choice when we are only interested in examining in-band responses.

4. Click Edit. The Source Selection dialog box appears.

5. Verify that f is set to FF, and leave p set to -70 dBm. Leave the other parameters unchanged.

6. Click OK to close the Source Selection dialog box.

7. Click OK to close the Port Definition dialog box.


HFSS视频教学培训教程 ADS2011视频培训教程 CST微波工作室教程 Ansoft Designer 教程

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