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EM Design >
   Set up Sweeps       

Set up Sweeps

To set up sweeps, you can choose to add either an interpolating fast sweep or a discrete sweep. The procedural steps for setting up each sweep type are described below. The following examples describe a Planar EM Solution Setup.


Add an Interpolating Fast sweep:

1. An interpolating fast sweep can be added in each of the following ways:

• The sweep appears automatically after you create a solution setup.

• On the EM Design menu, point to Solution Setup and then click Add Planar EM Solution Setup.

• In the Project Manager, expand the Analysis folder, right-click Setup1, and then click Add Planar EM Solution Setup

This opens the PlanarEM Setup dialog. The easiest way to set up a solution is to accept the Fixed Mesh and Frequency defaults that appear in the PlanarEM or HFSS setup dialog box and then click OK, which automatically opens the Sweep dialog.

2. When the Sweep1 dialog box appears, select the default sweep from the Sweep Description box and then click Delete.

3. Change the default sweep Type to Interpolating.

4. Leave the default value of 0.5 % for Relative Error for S.
(Alternately, you can check the box to enable Zo port impedance). If enabled, you can also input a percentage value for the Zo Percent Error. The default value is 1.0%.)

5. Select Enforce Causality if you wish to apply the Tsuk-White algorithm to the results of an interpolating sweep, where S(t) is zero, and time (t) < 0.

6. Select Linear Count in the Type pull-down menu of the Specify Frequency Sweep section.

7. Enter the sweep parameters:

a. In the Start, Stop, and Count boxes enter 1.5 GHz, 5 GHz, and 201.

b. Click Add.

• Alternatively, to update frequencies for an existing sweep, enter the new data in the Start, Stop, and Count boxes, and then click Update.

8. Click View Sweep Points List to display a tabular list of the frequencies used during the analysis.

9. Click OK to close the Sweep1 dialog box.


Add a Discrete sweep:

1. Open the Sweep2 dialog box in either of the following ways:

• On the EM Design menu, point to Solution Setup, and then click Add Planar EM Solution Setup.

• In the Project Manager, expand the Analysis folder, right-click Setup1, and then click Add Planar EM Solution Setup.

2. When the Sweep2 dialog box appears, select the default sweep and then click Delete.

3. Select Discrete, Generate Surface Current, and Linear Count. Generating surface currents enables you to view currents and field quantities in later steps.

4. Enter the sweep parameters:

a. In the Start, Stop, and Count boxes enter 2.3 GHz, 2.7 GHz, and 5.

b. Click Add.

• Alternatively, to update frequencies for an existing sweep, enter the new data in the Start, Stop, and Count boxes, and then click Update.

5. Click View Sweep Points List to display a tabular list of the frequencies used during the analysis.

6. Click OK to close the Sweep2 dialog box.


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