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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Getting Started with Ansoft Designer >
Nexxim Design >
   Simple Mixer Example >
       Open the Simple Mixer Project from the Examples Directory           

Open the Simple Mixer Project from the Examples Directory

Open the simple mixer project from the directory of Nexxim example projects.

1. On the File menu, select Open Examples. The File Open window appears, in the Examples directory.

2. Expand the RF_Circuit directory, then the Mixers directory, and finally select the file SimpleMixer.adsn. Click Open.

The Schematic Editor window opens to display the mixer schematic.

A mixer typically multiplies sinusoidal signals of different frequencies, achieving frequency translation. In this example, input port Port 1 includes two power sinusoidal sources. The lower frequency FLO (for Local Oscillator) acts as a carrier, modulated by the higher frequency FRF. The output at Port 2 can be viewed in the time domain.

The next step is to set up and run Nexxim transient and harmonic balance analyses.

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