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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Getting Started with Ansoft Designer >
Quick Start Guide >
   Generate an Analysis Report       

Generate an Analysis Report

To view your simulation data you must create a report. A wide variety of report types can be created in Designer. Note that some report types are only available for certain types of designs and analysis types.


Some of the report types that can be created in Designer include:

• Data tables

• Eye diagrams

• 2D or 3D polar plots

• Rectangular stacked plots

• Near and far field overlays to view fields in a PlanarEM design

• Smith Charts (contour plots are available for some analysis setups.)

• Current overlays to view equivalent electric currents in a PlanarEM design

• 2D or 3D rectangular plots (contour plots are available for some analysis setups.)


To create a report, right-click on Results in the Project Manager and choose the type of report you wish to create:


The Report creation dialog that opens will allow you to choose different parameters to plot and different functions to apply.

• You can select more than one quantity at a time if you wish to plot several results on the same graph.

• Use the Apply Trace or Add Trace buttons to change your plot, if desired.

• Click the New Report button to create the report.

• Close the Report creation dialog if you are happy with the result.


A wide range of customization options are available for the generated plot:

Click on different parts of the report, or click on traces in the Project Manager, to change properties in the Properties window. For example, clicking on the Y axis in the report window gives the following options. (Clicking on different parts of the plot will yield different options.)


You have now completed a simple example that demonstrates the overall framework for using Ansoft Designer. For a more detailed introduction to Designer, see the remainder of Getting Started with Ansoft Designer. You can also contact Ansoft at any time for additional Technical Support.


HFSS视频教学培训教程 ADS2011视频培训教程 CST微波工作室教程 Ansoft Designer 教程

                HFSS视频教程                                      ADS视频教程                               CST视频教程                           Ansoft Designer 中文教程


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