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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Getting Started with Ansoft Designer >
EM Design >
   Disable Sweeps and Setups       

Disable Sweeps and Setups

Designer allows you to disable/enable sweep and setup definitions independently.


Disable or Enable a Sweep Definition

To enable/disable a frequency sweep definition, right click the sweep in the project tree and choose Enable Sweep Analysis or Disable Sweep Analysis, whichever option is present:

You can also disable a sweep by selecting Properties from the shortcut menu to open the Edit Properties window. In the upper-right corner of the Edit Properties window, uncheck the Enabled box. Then click OK to apply the change. (To reactivate the sweep, simply re-open the Edit Properties window and check the Enabled box. Then click OK.)



Disable or Enable a Setup Definition

To enable/disable a setup definition, right click the setup in the project tree and choose Enable Setup Analysis or Disable Setup Analysis:


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