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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Getting Started with Ansoft Designer >
EM Design >
   Assign the Ports       

Assign the Ports


1. Create Port1:

a. On the menu bar, click Edit, and then click Select Edges.

Alternatively, on the Layout Draw toolbar, click the Select Edges icon .

b. Point the cursor to the left edge of the first rectangle and click.

c. Click Draw > Port > Create. Note that Port1 appears in the layout editor. Also, in the Project Manager, an icon labeled Port1 appears under Excitations.

d. Alternative way to add an excitation (port): First select the edge and, in the Project Manager, right-click Excitations and then click Add Port.


2. Create Port 2:

a. Point the cursor to the right edge of the right-most rectangle, and click.

b. Click the Create Edge Port icon, located on the Layout Draw toolbar.


3. Rename Port 1:

a. In the Project Manager, expand the project PlanarEM1: Excitations, then right-click Port1.

b. Click Rename, enter p1, and then press ENTER.


4. Rename Port 2:

a. In the Project Manager, expand the project PlanarEM1: Excitations, then right-click Port2.

b. Click Rename, enter p2, and then press ENTER.


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