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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Filter Design Tool >
   Filter Design Window >
       Changing Filter Structure >
           Changing Topology               

Changing Topology

Each time the filter circuit is modified, Filter Design Tool updates its corresponding layout using the selected topology. For example, for combline topologies, it searches for a correct sequence of shunt resonators and series stubs and creates an MCPL structure out of it. You can, however, start with an ideal inverter circuit and obtain the same sequence of elements by circuit modifications. But since ideal inverter circuits do not have layouts assigned, Filter Design Tool won’t create a layout for your circuit. Changing topology is the only way to tell the tool to calculate the layout in a different manner.

After selecting a new topology, a new filter is created and all filter properties except the topology type are copied into the new filter from the original filter.


To change the filter topology:

1. Bring up the dialog box by clicking Change Topology on the Filter>Layout submenu.

2. In the dialog box, select the new topology from the Topologies list.

3. Click OK.

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