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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Filter Design Tool >
   Filter Design Wizard >
       Wizard Step 3 Specifications >
           Analyzing the Response               

Analyzing the Response

You can click Analyze to re-design the filter and plot the response. Also, the design is automatically updated and analyzed after changes in any field. You may turn off this auto-analyze option by clearing Auto analyze when a specification is changed in the Analysis Settings dialog box.

At this stage of design wizard, only the electrical equivalent circuit is designed. Due to the physical limits of filter topologies, you may not be able to design filters for some sets of specifications. When the design wizard cannot design the filter, an error is displayed in the space provided under the analysis buttons. In this case, try specifying different values or change your topology.

After the design and analysis is completed, the plot is updated, automatically rescaled and displayed. If auto analysis is ON when you change a passband corner, the plot frequency range is also updated to reflect a wideband analysis setting before the analysis is performed. You can turn off this auto frequency option in the Analysis Settings dialog box.


To change plot settings:

1. To zoom in the range to default narrowband setting, click Narrowband.

2. To zoom out the range to default wideband setting, click Wideband.

3. For more changes to the plot, you should click Settings to bring up the Analysis Settings dialog box.

HFSS视频教学培训教程 ADS2011视频培训教程 CST微波工作室教程 Ansoft Designer 教程

                HFSS视频教程                                      ADS视频教程                               CST视频教程                           Ansoft Designer 中文教程


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