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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Filter Design Tool >
   Filter Design Wizard >
       Wizard Step 3 Specifications >
           Analysis Settings Dialog Box               

Analysis Settings Dialog Box

You can change the type and range of the plot with the Analysis Settings dialog box. It can be called either inside the design wizard or from the design window. Upon return, the plot where this is called from is updated.


To change the analysis settings:

1. Bring up the dialog box by clicking Settings in Specifications page of the design wizard or by clicking Analysis Settings on the Analysis submenu on the Filter menu in the Designer top menu bar.

2. In the dialog box, select a type in the Plot response list.

3. Type in Fmin and Fmax fields. You can use Set Narrowband and Set Wideband buttons to reset them.

4. Check Include Q factor losses in the response if you want to include losses in the analysis.

5. If the dialog box is called from the design wizard, you have two more options: You can check Auto analyze when a specification is changed for the design wizard to automatically design the filter and update the response after any change. You can check Auto frequency range in auto analysis mode for the design wizard to reset to wideband analysis after a change in passband corners. Clear the options to turn them off.

6. Click OK.

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