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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Designer File Formats >
   Nexxim Netlist Format >
       Names, Numbers, and Constructs >
           Instances of Circuit Devices               

Instances of Circuit Devices

A circuit is described by specifying one or more circuit devices. Each instance of a device is specified with an instance statement.

A device instance statement has the general syntax:

instance_name nodes [model_name] [instance_parameters]

Instance Name

The instance name begins with a character that identifies the type of device to instantiate. The characters in the instance name after the first character provide a unique instance name. The rules for device instance names are listed in the section on Device Instance Names.

Res#25 27 0 500

R12 10 20 R=0.5


The nodes entries defines the circuit nodes that are attached to the inputs and outputs of the device. Each device type uses a specific set of node definitions.

C33 node#5 !input1 C=0.025

The element statement can connect to the global reference node as node 0 (zero), GROUND, GND, or GND!.

Vin in1 GND 3.5

Modelname Reference

The modelname entry on the instance statement specifies a simulator model for that element type. All device types except resistors, capacitors, and inductors must point to a simulator model declared in a .MODEL statement somewhere in the netlist. Passive devices can use a default model. More information on simulator models appears later in this section.

D12 20 0 diode1

Instance Parameters

The device instance statement can specify values of physical or electrical parameters that apply just to that instance. In the following example, L is an instance parameter that specifies the channel length to be used for this instance of a MOSFET:

M25 10 20 30 30 MOS903 L=0.001

The default units for instance parameters (and for the model parameters in the next topic) are defined in the device model. In this example, the default length unit is the meter.

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