Material Parameters: default - Dispersion
Materials New/Edit New Material Dispersion
Edit Object Properties (navigation tree:
Materials:material1 Properties Dispersion)
This is a dialog page of the
Parameters dialog box.
On this dialog page various dispersion models for
the permittivity as well as for the permeability are available, representing
different frequency dependent material formulations. Except for the magnetic
gyrotropic behavior for biased ferrites, all models are also valid for
an anisotropic material type.
Please note that corresponding to common literature the input parameters
distinguish between angular frequencies indicated by the unit "rad/s"
(e.g. resonance frequencies) and non-periodic frequency values in "1/s"
(e.g. damping or collision frequencies).
Please see the Material
Overview (HF) page for more detailed information
about the different dispersion models.
Dielectric dispersion frame
Dispersion model: Here, different dielectric dispersion
models can be chosen, each definable by a different set of specific material
first material parameter for all dielectric dispersions models is the
epsilon infinity value, representing the high frequency limit of the permittivity.
Debye 1st order:
The first order Debye dispersion describes a material relaxation
process, determined by the relaxation time and the epsilon static value.
Debye 2nd order: The
second order Debye dispersion describes a superposed relaxation
process given by the summation of two separate first order Debye models.
The corresponding parameters are the two relaxation times as well
as both epsilon static values.
Drude: The Drude dispersion model describes the
dielectric behavior of plasma material, determined by the plasma frequency
and the collision frequency representing damping effects. It is
also possible to model a dependency of the instantaneous plasma frequency
on the local electric field. This dependency introduces some non linear
effect to the material, actually describing a non-uniform space dependent
material. The additional parameters to be specified are the electric breakdown and the plasma
maintenance frequency. Please see the Material
Overview (HF) page for more detailed information
about the meaning of these parameters and their relationship with the
plasma model.
Lorentz: The Lorentz dispersion model describes
a material resonance process, determined by the epsilon static value, the resonance
frequency and the damping factor.
Gyrotropic: The electric gyrotropic or so-called
gyroelectric dispersion behavior is relevant for magnetized plasma
media. The material parameters comprise the plasma frequency and
the collision frequency as for the Drude dispersion. In
addition, the cyclotron frequency and the biasing direction
describe the effect of the homogeneous biasing field. Note that this material
dispersion is not selectable for anisotropic material settings.
General 1st
order: For a detailed information, see
Material Overview.
General 2nd order: For
a detailed information, see Material
Nonlinear 2nd order: The
Nonlinear second order model describes a nonlinear material with
second order dependency on the field. It is determined by the chi2 susceptibility coefficient.
Nonlinear 3rd order: The Nonlinear
third order model describes a nonlinear material with third order
dependency on the field. It is determined by the chi3
susceptibility coefficient.
Nonlinear Kerr: The Nonlinear Kerr model
describes a nonlinear material with third order dependency on the field.
The instantaneous susceptibility follows a time relaxation process similar
to a Debye model. The model is determined by the chi3 infinity and
chi3 static susceptibility coefficients and by the relaxation
Nonlinear Raman:
The Nonlinear Raman
model describes a nonlinear material with third order dependency on
the field. The instantaneous susceptibility follows a time resonance process
similar to a Lorentz model. The model is determined by the chi3 infinity
and chi3 static susceptibility coefficients and by the resonance frequency and the damping factor.
User: The dispersion fit is based either on a constant
conductivity, general 1st order,
general 2nd order or a general nth order
model. A list of eps' eps'' values can be defined by different
frequency points by pressing the Dispersion
List button.
Magnetic dispersion frame
model: Here, different magnetic dispersion models can be chosen, each
definable by a different set of specific material properties.
The first material parameter
for all magnetic dispersions models is the
mue infinity value, representing the high frequency
limit of the permeability.
Debye 1st order:
The first order Debye dispersion describes a material relaxation
process, determined by the relaxation time and the mue static value.
Debye 2nd order: The
second order Debye dispersion describes a superposed relaxation
process given by the summation of two separate first order Debye models.
The corresponding parameters are the two relaxation times as well
as both mue static values.
Drude: The description of this dispersion model corresponds
to that of the dielectric material above. However, here this model offers
just the possibility to define a specialized dispersion curve, the parameters
plasma and collision
frequency have no exact physical equivalence.
Lorentz: The Lorentz dispersion model describes
a material resonance process, determined by the mue static value, the resonance
frequency and the damping factor.
Gyrotropic: The magnetic gyrotropic or so-called
gyromagnetic dispersion behavior is relevant for ferrite materials
that are magnetized up to saturation by a homogeneous static magnetic
field. The corresponding parameters can be defined either in the Gauss
or SI unit system, which are selectable in the Parameter conversion frame
Gauss units, they are given by the Land茅 factor, saturation
magnetization (4 Pi M), the resonance line width representing
the damping effects and finally the external applied magnetic field
vector (x,y,z).
SI units as the input system instead, the parameters are given
by the Larmor frequency, the gyrotropic frequency, the damping
factor and finally the unit vector for the biasing direction (x,y,z).
Note that this material dispersion is not selectable for anisotropic material
See the Material
Overview (HF)
for a description of inhomogeneously biased ferrites.
General 1st order: For a detailed information
see Material Overview.
General 2nd order: For
a detailed information see Material
2nd order: The Nonlinear
second order model describes a nonlinear material with second order
dependency on the field. It is determined by the chi2
susceptibility coefficient.
Nonlinear 3rd order: The Nonlinear
third order model describes a nonlinear material with third order
dependency on the field. It is determined by the chi3
susceptibility coefficient.
Nonlinear Kerr: The Nonlinear Kerr model
describes a nonlinear material with third order dependency on the field.
The instantaneous susceptibility follows a time relaxation process similar
to a Debye model. The model is determined by the chi3 infinity and
chi3 static susceptibility coefficients and by the relaxation
Nonlinear Raman:
The Nonlinear Raman
model describes a nonlinear material with third order dependency on
the field. The instantaneous susceptibility follows a time resonance process
similar to a Lorentz model. The model is determined by the chi3 infinity
and chi3 static susceptibility coefficients and by the resonance frequency and the damping factor.
User: The dispersion fit is based either on a constant
conductivity, general 1st order,
general 2nd order or a general nth order
model. A list of mue' mue'' values can be defined by different
frequency points by pressing the Dispersion
List button.
Parameter conversion frame
Note: This frame is only available for a selected magnetic gyrotropic
dispersion model.
The Gauss or SI unit system can be selected for different
input parameters of the gyromagnetic material.
Reference frequency where the resonance line
width was measured.
The frequency is needed to convert this parameter
from the Gauss system into the damping factor of the SI
system. See the Material
Overview (HF)
page for more details.
See also
Parameters, Material
Overview (HF), Change
Material, Modeler
View, Dielectric/Magnetic
Dispersion Fit

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