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Smith Chart and Polar Plot Properties

1D Plot: Plot Properties Properties

In this dialog, you can modify the view of the polar plot or Smith chart.

Scaling frame

Frequency: Here you may enter the minimum and maximum frequency values that are used when the polar plot or the Smith chart is plotted.

Auto: Check to scale to the maximum frequency range.

Amplitude: Enter here the minimum and maximum amplitude values to be plotted. This option does not apply to the Smith chart settings.

Auto: Check to scale to the maximum amplitude range.

Use curve smoothing: This options smoothens the curves of the current plot if the sampling of the data points is very rough.

Reference Circle frame

Show Circle: Shows a background circle with the given radius. In polar plots, the radius unit is the same as in the current plot. In Smith charts you can select the radius to be either linearly scaled, db -scaled or voltage standing wave ratio -scaled.

Font frame

By clicking the '...' button, the font for the plot can be selected

Curve frame

Clicking the 'Curve Style...' button opens the curve style dialog.


Accepts your settings and leaves the dialog box.


Closes this dialog box without performing any further action.


Shows this help text.

See also

Smith Chart View, Polar Plot View, Curve Style, 1D Plot Overview

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