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Port Info View

Here, you can view the broadband port mode information that is calculated in the case of activated broadband waveguide ports, the full deembedding feature or a frequency sweep performed via the Port Mode Information dialog. Also, results of the port mesh adaptation can be accessed here. They show the how the 1D port mode characteristics change with the mesh refinement passes.





Here, the broadband behavior of the propagating parameters beta and alpha, as well as the line impedance and the effective epsilon value can be visualized over the calculated frequency range. The numbers indicate the respective port mode of excitation. In case of a port mesh adaptation also the number of mesh cells and the relative error of the line impedance (if available) is shown. An additional number in brackets indicates the frequency the adaptation is performed at.

See also

Navigation Tree Overview, 1D Result View, Port Mode View

HFSS视频教学培训教程 ADS2011视频培训教程 CST微波工作室教程 Ansoft Designer 教程

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