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Monitor at Point

Simulation: Monitors Monitor on Entity Monitor at Point

This dialog box gives you the opportunity to define monitors for transient simulations. You might need these monitors to obtain additional information on the electromagnetic field distribution inside your structure. After a calculation, you can observe your monitors by selecting them in the navigation tree.

Name and type definition

Name: Displays the name for the monitor either as a user input or automatically generated.

Automatic labeling: This check button enables or disables the automatic labeling for the defined monitor. The automatically generated label consists of  the selected monitor type, including the specified position settings.

Type: This drop-down list offers a variety of monitors. The currently available monitor types allow B-Field, H-Field, E-Field, Cond. Current Density, Material and Temperature observations.


Here you can specify the component of the chosen field type which is to be monitored.


Use picked point: When this option is checked, the previously picked point will be used a the position at which to evaluate the field.

Position: The position of the point at which to evaluate the field.


Accepts your settings and leaves the dialog box.


Closes this dialog box without performing any further action.


Shows this help text.

See also

Thermal Transient Solver, Solver Overview, Modeler View

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