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Thermal Loss Distribution

Simulation: Sources and LoadsThermal Losses

This dialog allows to select loss distribution from a previous solver run or an external project, which are used as a source for the thermal solver.

The following result types can be used to compute loss distributions which then can be used as thermal source:

  •  Stationary current field results.

  •  Low frequency results.

  •  HF results from CST MICROWAVE STUDIO庐 (Time domain solver, Eigenmode solver, Frequency domain solver).

  •  Loss distributions from CST PARTICLE STUDIO庐 (thermal losses from crashed particles).


This check-box allows to switch the loss distribution on or off without the necessity to recalculate the source fields.


One can either import thermal losses from the current project or from an external project. To import external losses select the "Select..." entry which opens the Import Thermal Losses from Project dialog box

Source Field

Choose the source field to be used as a thermal source from the drop down select box. All currently available fields are shown in the drop down select box.


This drop-down list shows all available frequencies for a selected source setup. Additionally a parameter can be entered here if a parameter sweep should be used to evaluate all frequencies from the list.

Scaling Factor (RMS power)

Choose a scaling factor for the selected current field. This factor scales the rms loss power of the selected field and not its field amplitude.

Consider electric volume losses

If losses in materials with a constant electric conductivity value or an electric dispersion have been calculated in a previous simulation, one can choose if these losses should be taken into account.

Consider magnetic volume losses

If losses in materials with a constant magnetic conductivity value or a magnetic dispersion have been calculated in a previous simulation, one can choose if these losses should be taken into account.

Consider surface losses

On PEC surfaces losses can be calculated approximately, by activating this option. Therefore it is necessary to specify a conductivity value for these surfaces in the Thermal Loss Distribution Specials dialog box.


Accepts the changes and closes the dialog.


Closes this dialog box without performing any further action.


Opens the Thermal Loss Distribution Specials dialog box, were one can define further settings for the computation of surface losses on PEC solids.


Shows this help text.

See also

Thermal Stationary Solver Overview, Thermal Transient Solver Overview, Thermal Loss Distribution Overview, Thermal Loss Distribution Specials, Import Thermal Losses from Project, Thermal Loss Calculation Settings

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