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Exporting Results Overview

Available results export formats are ASCII, TOUCHSTONE, Agilent ADS Component and farfield source.

Results Export

These export options allow the export of results data for usage in external post-processing.

  • Export TOUCHSTONE files (Post Processing: Exchange Export TOUCHSTONE). This file format is used for exporting the calculated S-parameters for a specified reference impedance. This file format is typically used to export the S-matrix to circuit simulators.

  • Export Plot Data in ASCII files (Post Processing: Exchange Export Plot Data (ASCII)). This file format contains data from the current plot in the main view in ASCII tables. The actual format of the table depends on the type of the current plot.

  • Export Agilent ADS Component (Post Processing: Exchange Export Agilent ADS Component). This option creates a component for use in the Agilent ADS schematic view based on the current mode. The component allows for parametric access of previously computed S-parameter data.

  • Export farfield source (Post Processing: Exchange Export Farfield source) This option exports a selected farfield result as a farfield source.

  • Export Table Data Export results of a parameter sweep as an ASCII text file.

See also

Export Plot Data, Export Table Data, CAD Data Import and Export Overview,  Export TOUCHSTONE File, Export Agilent ADS Component

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