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Export Plot Data (ASCII)

Post Processing: ExchangeImport/ExportExportPlot Data (ASCII)

This dialog box offers ASCII file export of current plot data. The file format depends on the currently active visualization option. The resolution of the data in the exported file corresponds to the resolution specified for the visualization or can be defined in the 2D/3D Plot Data Export dialog after pressing Save.

File format for 1D results

The ASCII file consists of one or more blocks depending on the number of curves in the plot. Each block has two or three columns depending on the plot. In the first line of each block, there is a headline with the column titles.

File format for 2D/3D results

The ASCII file contains three columns with the coordinates x, y, z followed by columns containing the field values depending on the type of field. The first line contains the column titles. After you click the Save button, the 2D/3D Plot Data Export dialog box will open if necessary.


The ASCII file contains two columns with the angular coordinates of the chosen coordinate system, followed by columns containing the field values shown in the Farfield View. All exported field values depend on the various settings in the Farfield Plot Special Settings dialog, whereas the general data structure remains unchanged. The first line contains the column titles. Select Post Processing: ExchangeImport/ExportExportFarfield Source to export the current farfield as a farfield source.

Export all frequency samples

Check this settings to activate the automatic compilation of all farfields created by the same excitation into a single farfield source file.

Max. Samples

The maximum number of rows stored in the exported file.

Fields on surface / Fields in volume

Some field results support the export of volume data as well as the export of field values on all object surfaces. If fields in volume is selected, a second dialog opens to configure the data sampling.


Exports your current plot data to an ASCII file. The default extension of the file name will be ”.txt”. After pressing Save the samples for your data export can be defined in the 2D/3D Plot Data Export dialog.


Closes this dialog box without performing any further action.


Shows this help text.



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