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List of Selected Edges

Modeling: Picks Pick Lists Selected Edges

The list box in this dialog box shows you the start (X1, Y1, Z1) and end (X2, Y2, Z2) points of all currently picked edges in your model. Additionally the distance between these two points is displayed in the ”Length” field.

As soon as you select an edge from the list, it will also be highlighted in the main view by dimming all other edges. You can select a range of edges by holding the left mouse button pressed while dragging the mouse down the list. Furthermore you may also select or deselect multiple edges by holding the Ctrl-key pressed while clicking at the corresponding lines in the list box.

You may close this window either by pressing ESC while the dialog box has the focus or by clicking at the X item in the window bar.


With this operation you may replace all edges currently selected in the list box by a ”mean” edge which is created by averaging all start and end point coordinates. This operation is only active when at least two edges are selected in the list box. This operation may be most useful for a sequence of straight edges. However, it is also active for all other kinds of edges.


This operation allows you to delete all edges currently selected in the list box. This operation is only active when at least one edge is selected.


When this button is pressed, another dialog box will open in which you may change the coordinates of the currently selected edge by specifying a translation vector. Furthermore you may specify whether the original edges shall be kept or skipped.

In Plane

With this option you may apply a translation within the plane of a selected planar area to the edges which are currently selected in the list box. Pressing this button opens another dialog box where you can specify the desired translation. This operation is only active when a planar area is selected and at least one edge is selected in the list box.


This operation allows you to deselect all edges in the list box. This operation is only active when at least one edge is selected.


Closes this dialog box without performing any further action.


Shows this help text.

See also

Pick Points, Edges or Faces Overview.

HFSS视频教学培训教程 ADS2011视频培训教程 CST微波工作室教程 Ansoft Designer 教程

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