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Picking Points, Edges or Faces

Many construction steps require the selection of points, edges or faces from the model. The following section explains how to select these elementary entities interactively.

Starting a Pick Operation

To start a pick operation, you must first select the appropriate pick tool. This may be selected from Modeling: PicksPicks or  PicksPick Point..


The pick operations may also be activated by pressing the corresponding shortcut key. Please note that these shortcut keys are only available when the main view is currently activated (which can be achieved by clicking into it with the left mouse button). The following table gives an overview of the available pick operation with icons, the location in the ribbon and the shortcut keys:


Modeling: PicksPicksPick Points, Edges or Faces


Modeling: PicksPick PointPick Edge Midpoint


Modeling: PicksPick PointPick Circle Center


Modeling: PicksPick PointPick Point on Circle


Modeling: PicksPick PointPick Face Center



Modeling: PicksPick PointPick Point On Face


Pick Point


Pick Edge


Pick Face



After activating a pick tool, the mouse cursor will change, indicating that a pick operation is in progress. In addition to this, all pickable elements (e.g. points, edges or faces) will be highlighted in the model. You may now double-click on an appropriate item (point, edge or area). Please click on the corresponding item in the table to obtain more information about a particular pick mode.

Pick Edge Chain (Shift+E)

Use Modeling: PicksPicksPick Edge Chain to pick connected edges. If more than one loop is valid, a wizard will guide you through the selection process. A loop of edges may be terminated by two picked points:


Pick Face Chain (Shift+F)

Use Modeling: PicksPicksPick Face Chain to pick connected faces. A loop of faces can be terminated by a closed loop of connected edges. This selection type is especially useful in connection with the remove feature option in the Face Modifications mode  (Modeling: ToolsModify LocallyModify Face).


Point from Coordinates

Either select Modeling: PicksPick PointPick Point from Coordinates or if you are in PickPoint-Mode ( ), you can push TAB to enter the 3D-coordinates of the pick point directly.

Mean Last Two Points

Replaces the last two pick points by the mean point.

Edge from Coordinates

Create a pick edge numerically.

Edge from Last Two Points

You may create a pick edge using the last two pick points as start and end point.

Cancel a Pick Operation

You may cancel the currently active pick mode at any time by pressing the ESC key, selecting Leave pick mode from the context menu or pressing the item in the Quick Access toolbar.

Keep Pick Mode Active for Multiple Picks

When Modeling:PicksPicksKeep Pick Mode is pressed, the pick operation will not terminate after double-clicking. In this case, you must cancel the pick mode as described above. This mode is useful when multiple points, edges or areas must be selected and it would be tedious to re-enter the pick mode several times.

Undo a pick

By picking an already picked point, edge or face again, you perform an 'unpick'. The object in question will be deselected.

Reset all Picks

All current picks are deselected by pressing .

Absolute Pick Positions

Activate the item to store the absolute point coordinates of the current pick instead of the relative position according the object.

Picks During Interactive Shape Creations

The pick operations for selecting points from the model are also valid in the interactive shape creation modes. Here, whenever a double-click is requested to enter the next point, the pick mode may alternatively be entered. After ending this mode, the picked point will be taken as the next point for the shape creation.

See also

List of Selected Points , List of Selected Edges , List of Selected Faces

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