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Solver / RCS / Calculate monostatic RCS

Home: MacrosMacrosSolver RCS Calculate monostatic RCS

Note: For the Asymptotic Solver and the Integral Equation Solver please use the corresponding solver settings to define the RCS sweep properties.

Monostatic RCS calculation needs multiple runs of CST MICROWAVE STUDIO. The macro allows defining the range for the phi angle and its step size, which will decide on the number of simulations to be run.


The plane wave polarization can be chosen by means of setting E theta or E phi component. The macro is limited to calculate the monostatic on a single theta = const. plane. Please design you target on XY plane and choose the right theta angle from the menu.


A dialog box will monitor the phi values during the multiple runs.




Starts the parameter sweep.


Closes this dialog box without performing any further action.


Shows this help text.

See also

Farfield Overview, Preloaded Macros Overview, Preloaded Result Templates, Asymptotic Solver Parameters, Monostatic RCS Sweep Properties

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