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Construct / Superconducting Cavity

Home: MacrosMacrosConstructSuperconducting Cavity

This macro allows the definition of superconducting cavity geometries such as the TESLA cell. The half cell cavity is placed around the x-/u-axis, starting in the center of the coordinate system.


Applying the Transform operations Mirror- and/or Copy will make a multi cell structure easily:



It is possible to apply the macro multiple times within the same project, so that different half cells can be constructed with different dimensions. Prior definition of  the local working coordinate system simplifies the placement.


Also structure parameters can be used instead of fixed numbers, which enables parameter sweeping and optimization of structure geometries.


Press this button to create the half cell cavity according to the given dimensions.


Closes this dialog box without performing any further action. However the history list will contain a new entry, which does not do any modification to the existing structure.


Shows this help text.


See also

Coordinate Systems,  Transform Dialog, Preloaded Macros Overview

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