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Trim Curves Mode

Modeling: CurvesCurve ToolsTrim Curves

In this mode, you may perform an operation on curve items that is similar to a boolean operation on solids. The corresponding menu or toolbar items will only be visible when a curve item has been previously selected.

When you enter the mode, you will be prompted to select a second curve item to trim with the currently selected item by double-clicking on it. Please note that the second item must belong to the same curve as the first item.

After the second item has been selected, you may continue to the next step by pressing the RETURN key.

Now both curve items will be split into segments such that all intersection points between the two curve items are endpoints of a segment. The next step is to select the curve segments to delete. When you move the mouse across the screen, all pickable segments at the mouse鈥檚 position will be highlighted. You may now delete the highlighted segment by double-clicking on it. After selecting all desired segments to delete, you may press the RETURN key to complete the operation.

You may change the view at any time by using the standard view changing options.

You may terminate the mode at any time by pressing the ESC key without performing any changes to the model.

See also

Standard View Changing Options, Curve Creation

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