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Special Mesh Properties - Fixpoints

Home: MeshGlobal PropertiesSpecialsFixpoints

Fix- and density points at the ends of straight lines

With this selection, the generator will search for straight edges in your structure that are parallel to the mesh lines and will create fixpoints and density points at their ends.

Fixpoints at center of elliptical lines

This selection lets the generator search for any circular or elliptical edges in your model. For every edge found the generator attempts to set a fixpoint in its origin.

Fixpoints at ellipse bounds for ellipse diameter larger than...

With this setting, the generator searches for any elliptical or circular edges in your structure that are parallel to a mesh plane. The largest radius of the edge is then checked against a given limit. If the radius exceeds this limit, fixpoints are generated for the edge at its extreme positions along the coordinate directions. The limit is specified as a fraction of the base mesh-step size (the default step size due to the Lines per wavelength and Lower Mesh Limit settings). If the edge radius becomes larger than the specified fraction of this base step, fixpoints will be created for the edge.

Fixpoints for wires

This selection lets the generator search for any starting points or endpoints of wires and discrete ports and attempts to set a fixpoint there. This option should be switched on if discrete ports are used. Discrete ports are always mapped to the mesh. Therefore, if there are no mesh nodes where the starting points and endpoints of the ports are located, these points will be shifted to the next mesh node.

Fixpoints at probe center points and 2D field monitor planes

This selection enhances the accuracy of probes and 2D field monitors.

Fixpoints inside shapes with less than

Use this setting to avoid a very dense and irregular mesh when dealing with large structures and lots of details. For these structures, only fixpoints at the bounding box will be generated.

Merge fixpoints on thin PEC and lossy metal sheets

With this option, two very close mesh lines on thin metal sheets can be avoided. This saves simulation time, but has the same accuracy due to the PBA technology.

Generate fix- and density points for background material

Create fixpoints and density points for the background material of the calculation domain.


Closes this dialog box without performing any further action.


Accepts the changes and closes the dialog.


Shows this help text.

See also

Mesh View, Mesh Properties, Special Mesh Properties

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