Microstrip/Stripline Block Properties - Solver

Navigation Tree: Blocks<Block Name>PropertiesSolver

This dialog page contains solver specific settings of microstrip and stripline blocks.

Create S-parameter results

Shows the S-parameter results for the selected block in the navigation tree. This setting will only be considered in S-Parameter simulations when the "Create S-parameter results" option is selected.

Deembed block

De-embedding a block means to consider its inverse physical behavior. Use this option if you want to remove the influence of this block from the attached one.


The following four controls are only active if several different solvers are provided with a type of block.

Standard model

Here, you can switch on the usage of the implemented standard model for the selected block. In general, the standard model represents an analytical model. Because such a model may neglect influences from electromagnetic coupling, a numerical simulation may lead to more realistic results.

The analytical model is only valid inside certain parameter ranges. If a value outside such a range is specified for a parameter, the results may become very inaccurate. However, a numerical simulation is usually able to yield accurate results outside the analytical model’s range of validity. Moreover, alternative solvers offer the possibility of verifying the results yielded by the standard model. You can decide whether, e.g. influences from electromagnetic coupling, can be ignored.

Fast 2D EM based model

As an alternative to the standard model a 2D EM based model is available. In general, the 2D EM based model is semi-analytical: The equivalent circuit is based on coupled transmission line data computed by a numerical full wave 2D simulator. Approximations are used if many coupled lines are considered. These approximations allow for much faster simulations, but may reduce the accuracy for certain parameter sets.

This model is a good choice in general: It is more accurate than the standard model, and it is faster than the 3D calculation by CST MICROWAVE STUDIO®. The underlying 2D data is cached and reused for several blocks with compatible dimensions, so that the speed difference to the pure analytical model can be very small.

Enhanced 2D EM based model

This model is like the fast 2D EM based model, but without the approximations for many coupled lines.

This model is a good choice for blocks that do not offer the fast 2D EM based model. The number of coupled strips that are used by the equivalent circuits of these blocks is so small that the approximations of the fast 2D EM based model do not make sense.

3D calculation performed by CST MICROWAVE STUDIO®

As a fourth alternative, a numerical simulation can be selected to determine the block's physical behavior.

Use another solver in case of failure

Check this control to allow CST DESIGN STUDIO™ to switch to an alternative solver, if an evaluation with the standard model or the 2D EM based model is not possible. This will use the enhanced 2D EM based model if that is valid for the specified parameter set. If it is not valid, then a numerical 3D simulation with CST MICROWAVE STUDIO® will be performed.

Note that not all blocks offer all three solver choices, but each block offers at least one of the two faster solvers.



Accepts your settings and leaves the dialog box.


Closes this dialog box without performing any further action.


Performs your settings without leaving the dialog box.


Shows this help text.

See also

Block Overview