Perfect Absorber Block

Block Selection Tree: MiscellaneousIdealPerfect absorber


This type of block implements an element absorbing all power: For any value of the incoming wave a the outgoing wave b will be zero. If this block is connected to a block port without associated impedance, i.e. a circuit element, a default impedance value of 50 Ω will be used. In case of complex impedances, a and b are calculated according to the power wave definition.


If this block is connected to a differential block port, the incoming wave of the absorber block is only equal to the outgoing wave of the connected block, if the corresponding reference pin is grounded. Therefore, the simulation will stop with an error if the connected block uses differential ports, and the absorber is either connected to a reference pin, or the reference pin corresponding to the connected pin is not grounded.


There are no properties to set.

See also

Block Overview, S-Matrix, Using Differential Ports