Combine Results Simulation Task

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An AC simulation can be associated with a 'Combine Results' postprocessing step. This feature offers the possibility of calculating fields for the excitation specified inside CST DESIGN STUDIO™ and for monitors defined in a CST MICROWAVE STUDIO® project that is represented by a CST MICROWAVE STUDIO block or a CST MICROWAVE STUDIO file block.

Within this dialog box, you may define the settings for this prostprocessing step. Choose a block for which the fields will be calculated here.

The result generated by these postprocessing steps are fields for the monitors defined for the specified block. They can be accessed from the navigation tree of the CST MICROWAVE STUDIO® project associated with the block. The results computed with the excitation from CST DESIGN STUDIO™ are marked with a label that can be specified within this dialog box. Note that frequency monitors with a frequency outside the frequency range specified for the simulation task will be omitted.

Frequency limits frame

Lower Limit: Shows the lower frequency limit.

Upper Limit: Shows the upper frequency limit.

Units frame

Global units: Use the global frequency unit (that may be defined within the Units dialog box)  for this task.

Local units: Select this option to specify a local frequency unit.

Frequencies: Select the local frequency unit here.

Combine results

Check this control if you want to calculate the fields for the excitation from the network. You can only perform a 'Combine Results' calculation if a CST MICROWAVE STUDIO block or a CST MICROWAVE STUDIO file block is present.


Select the CST MICROWAVE STUDIO block or CST MICROWAVE STUDIO file block for which the fields will be calculated.


Specify a label for the calculated fields here. After the execution of the 'Combine Results' step, you will find new items in the navigation tree of the CST MICROWAVE STUDIO® project of the selected block. These items will be labeled as specified here.

Use simulation task's name

Choose this option to set the simulation task's name as label.

Select Monitors...

This button opens a monitor definition dialog box that allows to select the to be combined field monitors of the connected field simulation project.


Stores the current settings and closes the dialog box.


Closes this dialog box without performing any further action.


Stores the current settings (without closing the dialog box).


Shows the Solver Specials Dialog.


Shows this help text.


See also

Simulation Task Overview, Combine Monitor Selection